F5 iRule – Secure & HTTPOnly Cookie

The following iRule taken from devcentral.f5.com was utilized to insert the “Secure” tag to all the cookies within the Response Header. Note that some part of the iRule has been “deactivated” as this part involves adding the “HTTPOnly” cookie tag which isn’t required for this customer. I was able to verify its functionality in 10.x code version (also works in 11.x):

if { [catch { set CK_VALUE [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"]
HTTP::header remove "Set-Cookie"

foreach value $CK_VALUE {
if { "" != $value } {
set TEST_VALUE [string tolower $value]
set LENGTH_VALUE [string length $value]

switch -glob $TEST_VALUE {
"*;secure*" -
"*; secure*" { }
default { set value "$value; Secure"; }

switch -glob $TEST_VALUE {
 "*;httponly*" -
 "*; httponly*" { }
 default { set value "$value; HttpOnly"; }

HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" $value

} ] } {
log local0. "Exception thrown, client_addr=[client_addr] HttpOnly and/or Secure cookie attributes may not have been set"

For 11.x code version, there is a simpler way of achieving this functionality as noted here: https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iRules.HTTP__cookie.ashx

HTTP::cookie httponly <name> [enable|disable]
HTTP::cookie secure <name> [enable|disable]

When the “HTTP::cookie” rules were tried out in a lab environment using the following iRule:

   HTTP::cookie version BigIP_Cookie 1
   HTTP::cookie httponly BigIP_Cookie enable 

I got the following error log:
TCL error: /Common/iRule-HTTPOnly-Secure <HTTP_RESPONSE> – Illegal argument (line 1) invoked from within “HTTP::cookie version BigIP_Cookie 1”

So, I removed the “cookie version” command:

   HTTP::cookie httponly BigIP_Cookie enable 

and got the following error:
TCL error: /Common/iRule-HTTPOnly-Secure – Improper version (line 1) invoked from within “HTTP::cookie httponly BigIP_Cookie enable”

It looks like the “HTTP::coookie version” function isn’t working as expected in 11.x code version. F5 Bug-id for this issue 338981.

This is an alternate iRule that seems to be working in 11.x code version

set COOKIE_VAL [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"]
HTTP::header remove "Set-Cookie"

HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" "${COOKIE_NAME}; Secure; HttpOnly"

Reference: Devcentral.

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