Sometimes a customer may serve the content from a Virtual Server via Akamai and may want to block a specific client IP that is presented in the “True-Client-IP” that is inserted by Akamai. The following iRULE would provide the required functionality:
set HOST [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
if { ([HTTP::header exists "True-Client-IP"]) and ([HTTP::header "True-Client-IP"] != "") } {
set True_Client_IP [HTTP::header "True-Client-IP"]
} else {
set True_Client_IP
if { [class match $True_Client_IP equals CLASS_BLOCK_IP] } {
Discard would silently drop the connection. Reject can be utilized instead of Discard. Reject would send a TCP reset to the client. Instead of Reject or Discard, we can also serve a sorry page or a redirect, if required.