F5 Email Alerts

F5 has the ability to send out an email for various events like the failure of a pool member. For 10.x code version, Postfix within F5 can be utilized to send out emails. Beginning in 11.x code version, Postfix is not utilized. We would have to utilize SSMTP with mail-server: SOL13180

A Simple Step-by-Step Configuration Process (10.x Code Version):

  • Save the Existing Configuration & Create Configuration Archive before making any changes to the existing configuration.

Get CLI-TMSH access to the F5 device:

(tmos)#save sys config partitions all

  • Make sure F5 is configured with DNS Servers:

(tmos)#list sys dns

If there are no DNS Servers configured, add your DNS Servers and make sure F5 can access them:

(tmos)#modify sys dns name-servers add {}

  • Make sure that PostFix is running from tmsh:

show sys service postfix
start sys service postfix
modify sys service postfix add
list sys service | grep regexp Boot postfix

  • Run a test email from F5 from bash:

echo test | mail
postfix flush

  • Using SNMP Traps:

Default SNMP traps are available under /etc/alertd/alert.conf

User Configured Alerts are set up here: /config/user_alert.conf

NEVER change the default SNMP traps file – /etc/alertd/alert.conf

The following default SNMP trap for pool member going down/up has been copied from the /etc/alertd/alert.conf file and then copied to /config/user_alert.conf file

cat /config/user_alert.conf will provide the following result:

snmptrap OID=”.″;
email toaddress=”f5notifications@gmail.com”
body=”Member Status Change Notification – DOWN”
snmptrap OID=”.″;
email toaddress=”f5notifications@gmail.com”
body=”Member Status Change Notification – UP”

In the above alerts, “email toaddress” has been changed to the email address that is expected to receive the alerts from F5.

“fromaddress” is F5’s email address. Leave this at default settings “root”

“body” can be set to any information that needs to be conveyed.

After making the above changes, restart the alertd daemon from bigip bash & save the configuration:

bigstart restart alertd
b load
b save

In the above example, if you want to create customer alerts based on the logs: /var/log/ltm:

alert  "" {
   snmptrap OID="."

In the above configuration, “log message” can be obtained from /var/log/ltm that you want to match in order to trigger the email. The SNMP trap OID with “xxx” at the end has to have a number greater than 300 for customer SNMP alerts for F5.


Make sure to create relevant PTR record for the F5 in order to prevent the emails from being marked as SPAM

Emails can sometimes get queued for a long time on the F5 and consume all the memory on the F5. In order to prevent this, the “queue_minfree” has to be changed to something else from the default zero:

Default is no memory limitation:

# postconf -d | grep queue_minfree

queue_minfree = 0

10M Bytes of storage is provided by the following command:

# echo “queue_minfree = 10000000” >> /etc/postfix/main.cf postconf -e “queue_minfree = 10000000”



Universal or UIE Persistence

Universal or UIE Persistence is one of the great features that is available with F5 devices. UIE stands for Universal Inspection Engine. Universal Persistence provides us with the ability to load balance traffic based on the information available in the HEADER or the CONTENT of the incoming packet.

When to use it:

  • When you require persistence based on a session identifier that can’t be utilized using the pre-configured persistence profiles like Source IP or Cookie Insertion.

Usage Example:

Sometimes, you may want to have persistence to exist based on a “Session Cookie” that is inserted by the Server. This “Session Cookie” could be utilized within the Header or URI of incoming packet and this may also be utilized within the content, when you are using the HTTP POST method.

Configuration Steps:

  • Identify the Session Identifier & its location – Example: JSessionID present in URI
  • Write a simple iRule utilizing “persist UIE”
  • Create a Custom UIE profile with default UIE profile as the parent profile. Attach the iRule to this Custom UIE profile

A simple example based on X-Forwarded-For header:

    if {[HTTP::header X-Forwarded-For] != ""}{  
       persist uie [HTTP::header X-Forwarded-For] 600 

Use the above iRule within a UIE persistence profile for persistence based on the incoming X-Forwarded-For header value. “600” denotes the timeout in seconds and this can also be set in the UIE persistence profile.



F5 iRule – Secure & HTTPOnly Cookie

The following iRule taken from devcentral.f5.com was utilized to insert the “Secure” tag to all the cookies within the Response Header. Note that some part of the iRule has been “deactivated” as this part involves adding the “HTTPOnly” cookie tag which isn’t required for this customer. I was able to verify its functionality in 10.x code version (also works in 11.x):

if { [catch { set CK_VALUE [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"]
HTTP::header remove "Set-Cookie"

foreach value $CK_VALUE {
if { "" != $value } {
set TEST_VALUE [string tolower $value]
set LENGTH_VALUE [string length $value]

switch -glob $TEST_VALUE {
"*;secure*" -
"*; secure*" { }
default { set value "$value; Secure"; }

switch -glob $TEST_VALUE {
 "*;httponly*" -
 "*; httponly*" { }
 default { set value "$value; HttpOnly"; }

HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" $value

} ] } {
log local0. "Exception thrown, client_addr=[client_addr] HttpOnly and/or Secure cookie attributes may not have been set"

For 11.x code version, there is a simpler way of achieving this functionality as noted here: https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iRules.HTTP__cookie.ashx

HTTP::cookie httponly <name> [enable|disable]
HTTP::cookie secure <name> [enable|disable]

When the “HTTP::cookie” rules were tried out in a lab environment using the following iRule:

   HTTP::cookie version BigIP_Cookie 1
   HTTP::cookie httponly BigIP_Cookie enable 

I got the following error log:
TCL error: /Common/iRule-HTTPOnly-Secure <HTTP_RESPONSE> – Illegal argument (line 1) invoked from within “HTTP::cookie version BigIP_Cookie 1”

So, I removed the “cookie version” command:

   HTTP::cookie httponly BigIP_Cookie enable 

and got the following error:
TCL error: /Common/iRule-HTTPOnly-Secure – Improper version (line 1) invoked from within “HTTP::cookie httponly BigIP_Cookie enable”

It looks like the “HTTP::coookie version” function isn’t working as expected in 11.x code version. F5 Bug-id for this issue 338981.

This is an alternate iRule that seems to be working in 11.x code version

set COOKIE_VAL [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"]
HTTP::header remove "Set-Cookie"

HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" "${COOKIE_NAME}; Secure; HttpOnly"

Reference: Devcentral.

F5 Error – bcm56xxd

Oct 20 10:08:16 local/lb01 err bcm56xxd[3506]: 012c0011:3: I2C SFP operation failed: dev:0xee at :228, errmsg(Operation timed out)

This specific error is benign. bcm56xxd has a thread that checks every 5 seconds to see if there is any units plugged or unplugged on all the SFP and XFP ports by accessing the GPIO pins attached to these SFP/XFP ports via the I2C bus.

The plug check does not disrupt the traffic flow on an existing port.

If the system is busy some I2C operation may time out as the I2C bus becomes overloaded.

bcm56xxd – The switch daemon configures and controls the Broadcom 56xx switch chips.



BigIP F5 – Poodle Vulnerability

Poodle was initially targeted against SSLv3. Quite a few websites fixed this issue at the server and client side by disabling SSLv3. There is a variation of Poodle for TLS with the following CVE ID: CVE-2014-8730. For a brief description of the issue: Poodle on TLS

This is known to affect load balancers like F5. F5 recommends a code upgrade. As of now (Dec 09, 2014), it is recommended that the code is upgraded to at least 10.2.4 with HotFix 10 if you are running 10.x code version and one of the 11.x code versions that is not vulnerable as per F5 documentation: SOL15882

F5 has stated that the code upgrade is the best possible option available. 

BigIP F5:

If you are running F5 LTM on 11.x code version, using 11.5.1 with HF6 and above is recommended.

If you are running F5 LTM on 10.x code version and want to stay in 10.x code version, you would have to perform the following tasks in order to have a “A-” rating in Qualys SSL test:

  • Upgrade code to 10.2.4 HF10
  • After code upgrade to 10.2.4 HF10, complete the following steps in order to remove RC4.
(tmos.ltm)# create profile client-ssl PARENT-SSL-SECURE ciphers 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!SSLv3:!RC4'

(tmos.ltm)# modify profile client-ssl CUSTOM-CLIENT-SSL defaults-from PARENT-SSL-PROFILE-SECURE

Qualys Rating is “B” after code upgrade and “A-” after performing code upgrade and removing RC4.

After making the code upgrade & removing RC4 cipher, it is recommended that you test your site for any vulnerabilities at the Qualys Site.

The above commands will create a “Parent” SSL Client profile – “PARENT-SSL-SECURE” that will disable SSLv3, RC4 and order the ciphers from High to Medium strength. Please, note that any client initiating connection on SSLv3 will be dropped. Usually clients running Windows XP and IE6 will initiate SSLv3 connections.

In order to know the total SSLv3 connections, you can run this command:

(tmos.ltm)# show profile client-ssl CUSTOM-CLIENT-SSL | grep Protocol
 SSL Protocol Version 2                       0
 SSL Protocol Version 3                      156
 TLS Protocol Version 1.0                   16.1K
 TLS Protocol Version 1.2                   11.6K
 DTLS Protocol Version 1                      0

Based on the above output, it can be seen that the client SSL profile configured on the Virtual Server handling SSL traffic has received 156 SSLv3 connection requests.

The stats can be cleared using this command:

(tmos.ltm)# reset-stats profile client-ssl

(tmos.ltm)# show profile client-ssl CUSTOM-CLIENT-SSL | grep Protocol
 SSL Protocol Version 2                       0
 SSL Protocol Version 3                       0
 TLS Protocol Version 1.0                     0
 TLS Protocol Version 1.2                   11.6K
 DTLS Protocol Version 1                      0

Note: The “reset-stats” command will NOT clear the stats for TLS1.2  in 10.2.3 code version. F5 is aware of this bug. I was able to clear the stats for 10.2.4 code version. I am not sure if this bug exists for 10.2.3 and lower code versions.

The cipher suite that is being utilized, after the change can be identified by running the following command in bash:

[root@lbal1:Active] config # tmm --clientciphers 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!SSLv3:!SSLv2:!RC4:!COMPAT:!EXP'



After making the above changes, some of the older browsers may not be able to connect to your website on HTTPS as the older browsers don’t support TLS1.2. For a list of browsers and supported protocols, see here.

Having dealt with SSL/TLS vulnerabilities, it looks like TLS1.2 with Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman is the most secure current version. Anything before TLS1.1 would be insecure and would have to be avoided, if possible. The main problem is that there are quite a few client browsers that are just incompatible with TLS1.2 and this has to be factored before making any changes.

GHOST Vulnerability:

This is a recent vulnerability – CVE-2015-0235

According to SOL16057, if you want to stay with 10.x code version on F5 LTM, it is better to use 10.2.4 + HF11. For 11.x code version, use at least 11.5.1 + HF8.


For a great Qualys grade see the following link.


iRule – To iRule or Not to

TCL based iRule is a force-multiplier when it comes to Application Delivery Networking utilizing F5 devices. However, it is essential to understand the interaction of iRule with the normal application.

As an F5 iRule administrator, it is essential to understand the responsibility of maintaining the code. Does this fall within the realm of Application Delivery Engineers or DevOps ? This would depend on the organization and the roles for different people and frankly, there is no clear cut answer to this question.

Having said that, I believe iRule can be used effectively to perform the following functions based on the information available within the header or content of the packet, without affecting DevOps:

  • Load Balance to Pools of Servers
  • Persistence actions
  • Serving Sorry Page or Sorry URL

Load Balancing & Persistence actions will not alter the content of the packet and hence, it should be easily achieved without disrupting the Developers. The 2 functionalities provided do not affect the code but the header or content of the packet is utilized to pick the right server or pool of servers.

  • Redirects to specific URL
  • Changing contents of header or packet

For redirects and for altering contents of header or packet, it is essential that the Dev team is aware of the traffic flow. This will prevent any conflicting functionality that may disrupt the normal application delivery.

BigIP F5 Rookie

Welcome to the world of Application Delivery Networking and F5 Platform.

If you are new to BigIP F5 or Application Delivery Network and looking to see where to start, I would recommend the following:

F5 University – This provides flash based introduction to some of the F5 modules like LTM.

DevCentral Community – F5’s DevCentral Community is one of its biggest assets. The sheer volume of information available and the number of active members willing to answer your questions will help you in overcoming any obstacle that you may face when deploying F5.

You can also download and run your own F5 virtual instance here.

F5 OneConnect

F5 has a trademark feature called OneConnect that leverages HTTP 1.1 Keepalive. In this article, I will try to explain the functionality of OneConnect, underlying technology and its usage requirements.

There are 2 main reasons that I have utilized OneConnect profile:

  1. Efficient reuse of server side connections (F5-Servers)
  2. L7 Content Switching i.e., when the F5 is configured to make load balancing or persistence decision based on information available in L5 to L7.

Efficient TCP Connection Reuse:

Every time a new connection is set up on the server, the server has to allocate resources.

What Resources:

Resources like State/buffer memory at the Kernel level & memory per thread as each connection consumes web server threads. There is also an impact on the CPU of the server as the server needs to keep track of the web threads and connections.

The consumption of resources outlined earlier won’t affect a small to medium scale load balanced web-server infrastructure. However, as the traffic flow increases, the servers can take quite a big hit. At this point, the option would be to add more servers which can increase your CapEx and of course, OpEx will rise for administrative reasons.

OneConnect, if used properly will provide you with a method to efficiently utilize the existing infrastructure without the requirement for adding more physical servers.  This is done by leveraging existing server side connections using HTTP 1.1 Keepalive.

Lets say, client IP is initiating a connection to the VIP which then gets load balanced to the server Within the TCP connection, the client will utilize multiple HTTP Requests to obtain the right content from the server (HTTP 1.1 Keepalive). After the transaction has been completed, the client closes the client side connection (Client – F5). However, the F5 retains the server side connection (F5-Server). If a new client ( initiates a connection within a certain timeout interval, the F5 will re-use the server side connection that was retained for the connection. As you can see, the server side connection that was created when made the initial request was used when the new client made the request.

In this particular simple example, 2 client side connections were served with only 1 server side connection. Assuming you can achieve the same scale ratio, 100K client side connections require only 50K server side connections. As the client side connection increases, the OneConnect profile delivers better results.

One thing to note is that from the server’s perspective, HTTP Requests initiated by is still assumed to be over the connection initiated by i.e., the client IP at the server level no longer provides the right information about the true client IP. In order to overcome this, “X-Forwarded-For” header insertion would have to be utilized to insert the right “True Client IP” at the server level. It is essential that the server logs and the application looks for the client IP in the “X-Forwarded-For” header and not the Client IP field.

How does the F5 know which server-side connection to reuse:

In order to understand the connection-reuse algorithm, it is essential to understand the OneConnect Profile Settings.

OneConnect Profile Settings:

  • Source Mask – Network mask that is applied to the incoming client IP in order to identify the server side connection that can be reused. The effect of Source Mask in OneConnect is well explained here.
  • Maximum Size – Max number of server-side connections that is retained in the connection pool for reuse
  • Maximum Age – Max age up to which a server side connection is retained in the connection pool for reuse
  • Maximum Reuse – Max number of HTTP Requests that can be sent over a server side TCP connection
  • Idle Timeout Override – Max time up to which an idle server side connection is kept open for reuse.

A server side connection is retained in the “connection pool” for reuse as long as it satisfies the Max Age, Reuse & Idle Timeout conditions. The size of this “connection pool” is defined within Max Size.

Based on experience, I would recommend not altering any of the default settings of the OneConnect profile other than the Source Mask.

L7 Content Switching:

By default, F5 performs load balancing only once for each TCP connection. This is performed when the very first HTTP Request within a TCP Connection is received by the F5 LTM. Subsequent HTTP Requests in the same TCP connection will be sent to the same server that handled the 1st HTTP Request.

Consider a scenario in which there are multiple clients originating connections from behind a proxy that multiplexes individual client TCP connection into a single TCP connection and sends requests to the F5’s VIP via this single TCP Connection. In this case, after the load balancing decision is made for the very first HTTP Request from the 1st client, subsequent HTTP requests from other clients will be sent to the same server, regardless of the L7 information. If you utilize the HTTP header information for load balancing or persistence, it will lead to undesirable behavior.

An example:

Lets say that there are 5 clients initiating 5 TCP connections and this gets multiplexed into 1 TCP connection between the Proxy and the F5.

Lets say that the load balancing/persistence decision is made based on the cookie persistence (L7)

When the 1st client sends its HTTP Request, it will be load balanced to a specific pool and cookie will be inserted in the HTTP Response.

If there is a subsequent HTTP Request from any  of the other 4 clients utilizing the same TCP connection between the proxy and the F5, they will be sent to the same server that handled the 1st HTTP Request, even if the cookie information provided by the subsequent HTTP Requests are different – lets say that the cookie was set manually and it is pointing to a different server.

This happens because the F5 will stop parsing the HTTP requests in the same TCP connection after the load balancing decision has been made for the very 1st HTTP request – default behavior. When we enable OneConnect, we are telling the F5 to continue checking the HTTP Requests and not to stop checking after the 1st HTTP Request.

This article explains the default behavior of the F5 device and how it affects L7 persistence like Cookie & Universal (UIE).

This article explains the reason for using OneConnect when load has to be balanced to multiple pools based on L7 information.

In short, whenever you require load balancing or persistence based on L7 information, utilize OneConnect.

A good understanding of OneConnect requires a good grasp of HTTP 1.1 Keepalive, Pipelining, OneConnect Profile Settings & the default F5 load balancing behavior.

I will try to provide a graphical explanation to OneConnect in the coming days.

More information about OneConnect is provided here.

BigIP F5 Terminology

BigIP F5 configuration element utilizes the following terminology:

Virtual Server (VS) consists of the following attributes:

  • Virtual IP (VIP)
  • Profiles
  • Persistence Method
  • Pool

Profiles like Client side TCP profile, Server Side TCP Profile, HTTP Profile etc define ways to handle the traffic.

Persistence Methods like Source IP, Cookie etc provide a way to make sure that incoming connections are sent to the same server that handled the initial request. For example, for Source IP based persistence, when a connection comes in and if there is a persistence table entry for that client IP on the F5, the connection will be sent to the same server that handled the request within a specific time out threshold.

A pool consists of the following:

  • Pool Members
  • Load Balancing Method
  • Monitor

A Pool consists of multiple pool members. A pool member is an “IP address + Port”. A node is an IP address.

Load Balancing Methods will help the F5 to balance traffic across the pool members in the pool.

Monitor is utilized to check the health of the pool member. Simple health checks can be ICMP ping or TCP socket check on specific ports. A good practice is to make sure that the timeout period is [(3*Frequency) + 1]. So, if frequency of monitor checks is 5 seconds, timeout would be 16 seconds and this means 3 consecutive failures will result in the pool member being marked down.

BigIP F5 Platform

BigIP F5 is the hardware platform that can be configured to provide the functionality of multiple modules like LTM, GTM, APM, ASM, AFM, AAM, PEM etc

LTM – Local Traffic Manager

GTM – Global Traffic Manager

APM – Access Policy Manager

ASM – Application Security Manager

AFM – Advanced Firewall Manager

AAM – Application Acceleration Manager

PEM – Policy Enforcement Manager

Each hardware platform unit can only handle x number of modules at any one time. This number varies based on the platform. F5 has multiple platforms like 1600, 3600 etc based on the hardware capability. This is a link for the different F5 Hardware Platform Specifications.

Most commonly used modules are LTM & GTM. LTM serves as a Load Balancer or Application Delivery Controller within a single geographic location. GTM is used to load balance DNS requests across multiple geographic regions. ASM provides WAF (Web Application Firewall) functionality. APM provides access restrictions, policies and VPN access. AAM provides optimized application delivery utilizing various functions like compression, caching and the next generation HTTP protocols.