Ansible hostfile Deprecated

While using Ansible 2.4.3 for the very first time after upgrading, I received the following error:

[DEPRECATION WARNING]: [defaults]hostfile option, The key is misleading as it can also 
be a list of hosts, a directory or a list of paths . This feature will be removed in 
version 2.8.

It looks like if you have hostfile = ./hosts within the ansible.cfg file, you would have to change it to inventory = ./hosts

Reference Link.

F5 iControl REST

F5 utilizes iControl REST API as part of their automation toolkit. REST API is a powerful way to automate F5 management. iControl REST API was introduced by F5 in 11.5 code version. 11.6 code version is the first major code version with a relatively stable release. However, 11.6 does not support remote authentication like TACACS+. For iControl REST API with remove authentication, it is important to utilize 12.x code version. F5 programmability training documentation and related information are available here.

Ansible Playbook Optimizing

$ cat ansible.cfg 
hostfile = ./hosts
host_key_checking = False
timeout = 5 
log_path = ./logfile.txt
forks = 50
gathering = smart

pipelining = True

The above file shows the content of ansible.cfg file. I have added the following to make my playbook run faster:


Forks indicate the number of parallel processes spawned to communicate with remote hosts. Default forks is 5 in Ansible.

Gathering indicates the default policy for fact gathering. When “gather_facts” is True within the playbook, facts are gathered for each host. The facts associated with each host will be discovered only once even when the host is referred in multiple plays when we use “smart” within the ansible.cfg file.

Pipelining enabled will reduce the number of SSH operations required to execute a module on a remote host.

Ansible Components


Ansible is a simple IT automation tool. Ansible exists as CLI & GUI. GUI is called the Ansible Tower and Ansible, Inc., which is owned by RedHat, officially supports this.

Controlling Nodes:

The Network infrastructure is managed from these Controlling Nodes. In an Enterprise environment, Controlling Nodes are typically Linux bastion servers.

Managed Nodes:

Managed Nodes are the Network Devices that is being managed by the Controlling Nodes. Managed Nodes are typically of Cisco, Juniper, and Arista make and can be classified as Switches, Routers, Firewalls and Load Balancers based on their function from a Network Engineer’s perspective.


There are many automation tools like Chef, Puppet, and CFEngine but in my opinion, Ansible is suited for Network Automation for the following reasons:

  1. Ansible does not require an agent to be installed in the Managed Node (Network Device).
  2. Ansible requires Python on the Managed Node and most Network Devices support Python.
  3. Ansible relies on YAML as the descriptive language and Jinja2 for templates.

Among the points mentioned above, most Network Vendors do not support the installation of agents and even if they did support the installation, it would be tough to get the relevant permissions within an organization to install the agents in an Enterprise environment that has different Network Teams managing different aspects of the infrastructure.

Fortunately, most network vendors provide native support for Python and Ansible rely on this to execute automation tasks on the “Managed Nodes”.

As a Network Engineer working in an environment with significant scale (1,000s of Network Devices across multiple datacenters), Ansible has been quite useful in obtaining data and deploying configuration. Ansible seems to have widespread support among the Network Engineers seeking automation to manage at scale and there are resources online that can be leveraged to implement Network Automation Solutions.

Ansible Components

Ansible requires the following components in order to automate Network Infrastructure:

  • Controlling Nodes
  • Managed Nodes
  • Ansible Playbook

As noted earlier, Controlling Nodes are usually Linux Bastion Servers that are used to access the switches/routers and other Network Devices. These Network Devices are referred to as the Managed Nodes. Managed Nodes are stored in the hosts file for Ansible automation.

Ansible Playbook:

Ansible Playbooks are expressed in YAML format and serve as the repository for the various tasks that will be executed on the Managed Nodes (hosts). Playbooks are a collection of tasks that will be run on one or more hosts.

Setting up Ansible:

After installing Ansible, I recommend creating a separate directory from which Ansible is executed. For this process, let’s create a directory named “AnsiblePlay”. Within the “AnsiblePlay” directory, I will have the following files:

  • ansible.cfg
  • hosts

and the following directories ./AnsiblePlay/

  • templates
  • hosts_var

Ansible Configuration File:

An Ansible Playbook utilizes the Ansible Configuration File in order to access resources required for the Ansible Playbook. For example, the configuration file stores location information for the hosts file that contains the Managed Nodes (hosts) on which the playbook is executed.

Ansible Configuration File can exist in the following locations and is utilized by the Ansible playbook in the following order.

* ANSIBLE_CONFIG (an environment variable)
* ansible.cfg (in the current directory)
* .ansible.cfg (in the home directory)
* /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

I would recommend creating your own Ansible configuration file in the Ansible directory. I use the following:

$ cat ansible.cfg

hostfile = ./hosts
timeout = 5

Inventory File or Hosts File:

Inventory File or Hosts File is a text file that contains the Managed Nodes (Hosts) that will be subjected to automation tasks defined in the playbook.

Inventory File can be static or dynamic. For now, the examples use static inventory files.

This is an inventory/host file example:

$ cat hosts



Lists: [ ]

Dictionaries: { }. Dictionary has “Key: Value” pair.

YAML – Anything is a string. Quoting strings is optional most of the times.


FACTS are data about the Managed Nodes. Example: Code Version running on Managed Node.


Ansible playbook contains one or more tasks. A task makes sure that the hosts exist in a specific state. When there are multiple tasks and if any task fails, subsequent tasks will not be executed.


Running a task once or multiple times is the same in terms of the final output. For example, a task that involves creating a user in the Managed Node will create the user only once no matter how many times the task is executed.


Kubernetes Intro

Kubernetes is Greek for Pilot or Helmsman. It is primarily used as an orchestration tool for containers.

Kubernetes Deployment (KD):

Deployment is responsible for creating and updating instances of application.

Kubernetes Master (KM):

KM schedule the application instances that was created by the KD onto individual nodes in the cluster.

Kubernetes Deployment Controller (KDC):

KDC monitors application instances and replaces an instance if the node hosting the instance goes down.

Kubernetes Pod (KP):

KP is a subset of KD. KP consists of one or more application containers and some shared resource for those containers. Shared resource can be shared storage or networking resource like IP address.

Kubernetes Node (KN):

KN is a physical or virtual machine that is managed by KM. Multiple Pods can exist in a Node. KN has the following:

  • kubelet: A process that ensures communication between KM and KN.
  • Container runtime like docker/rkt



Kubernetes Service (KS):

KS is an abstraction layer which defines a logical set of pods and enables external traffic exposure like load balancing. The set of pods can exist in one or more KN.



Labels are key-value pairs that are attached to objects such as pods. They are similar to hash-tags.



Integrated load balancing in KS enables scaling.


Rolling Updates:

Rolling updates allows incremental updates by replacing existing pods with new ones within a KS.

Reference: Kubernetes Basics. Images were taken from the link provided.

Cisco Nexus – Ping Sweep

The following script can be utilized to execute a ping sweep of a /24 network on Cisco Nexus switch. This has been tested and verified on Cisco Nexus 7K running 6.2.8a code version.

Actual script:

for {set i 1} {$i < 255} {incr i} {
cli "ping 192.168.1.$i count 2 time 1 vrf VRF_A"

Script execution on a Cisco Nexus 7000 switch:

N7K_SW1# tclsh
N7K_SW1-tcl# for {set i 1} {$i < 255} {incr i} {  
> cli "ping 192.168.1.$i count 2 time 1 vrf VRF_A"
> }

Similar script but copy/pasting specific IP addresses:

foreach address {
> } { cli ping $address count 2 time 1 vrf VRF_A }

Ansible – The Why ?

What ?

Ansible is a simple IT automation tool.

Ansible exists as CLI & GUI. GUI is called the Ansible Tower and Ansible, Inc., which is owned by RedHat, officially supports this.

Controlling Nodes:

The Network infrastructure is managed from Controlling Nodes. In an Enterprise environment, Controlling Nodes are typically Linux bastion servers.

Managed Nodes:

Managed Nodes are the Network Devices that is being managed by the Controlling Nodes. Managed Nodes are typically of Cisco, Juniper, and Arista make and can be classified as Switches, Routers, Firewalls and Load Balancers based on their function from a Network Engineer’s perspective.

Why ?

There are many automation tools like Chef, Puppet, CFEngine but in my opinion, Ansible is suited for Network Automation for the following reasons:

  1. Ansible does not require an agent to be installed in the Managed Node (Network Device).
  2. Ansible requires Python on the Managed Node and most Network Devices support Python.
  3. Ansible relies on YAML as the descriptive language and Jinja2 for templates.

Among the points mentioned above, most Network Vendors do not support the installation of agents and even if they did support the installation, it would be tough to get the relevant permissions within an organization to install the agents in an Enterprise environment that has different Network Teams managing different aspects of the infrastructure.

Fortunately, most network vendors provide native support for Python and Ansible rely on this to execute automation tasks on the “Managed Nodes”.

As a Network Engineer working in an environment with significant scale (1,000s of Network Devices across multiple datacenters), Ansible has been quite useful in obtaining data and deploying configuration. Ansible seems to have widespread support among the Network Engineers seeking automation to manage at scale and there are resources online that can be leveraged to implement Network Automation Solutions.